Chocolate Chip FrameWork – Create Mobile Apps with Native Look & Feel

Write Once, Support 3 Platforms: iOS, Android and Windows Phone

chocolatechip ui framework

ChocolateChip-UI is just HTML, CSS & JavaScript. CSS themes implement each platform. Easy to customize fewer styles. Use alone or with Phonegap. Theme Roller for Custom Colors.

Attention: Web Developers! – Chocolate Chip FrameWork is Here

  • ChocolateChip-UI uses standard Web technologies.
  • It’s built on top of the famous & familiar jQuery library.
  • You can continue using the coding tools you already
  • know and enjoy. ChocolateChip-UI provides you with a
  • powerful and easy to customize the view for your backend.
  • ChocolateChip-UI makes no assumptions about what
  • your backend is. Use whatever library or framework
  • you want. Just output the results in the format
  • ChocolateChip-UI expects and everything
  • will render beautifully.

Open Source  MIT License Available on Github

You can use ChocolateChip-UI to build an app and give it away for free, because you’re cool with that. Or make a commercial offering and charge for it.

The MIT license gives you the flexibility to create and distribute your app the way you want. So, what do you have to do to comply? The license is already in the source files.

Just include them as is in your app. How much does this cost? Nothing. Open source means it’s free to use. Same as jQuery.


The fastest way to get going with ChocolateChip-UI is to install the NPM module chui. This will allow you to quickly create the type of ChocolateChip-UI project you want. Please visit NPM for directions on how to use it

Get ChocolateChip-UI and Start Making Your App Now

Download ChocolateChip-UI

About the Author Adam

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